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Sunday 14 October 2012

How to manage your Network better on Facebook & Twitter

1. Find the Authors of the Content You Read

 It is important to know who the author of your blogs or websites is or who social influencers in your area of expertise are. Also, checks out the authors who contribute to online publications usually have a social incidence. Try to follow them on Facebook or Twitter and take the time to let them know what you think. Don’t only wait for them to comment on your posts, comment on their blogs and articles as well, then take it a step further and tweet some feedback.  Give some added insights on the topic and goes along with the articles or blogs.

2. Become an Author Yourself

 Do not just wait until you have something to share or discuss on your social networks, socialize by writing on the topic in your field, either on your own blog or for industry publications. By keep appear in almost topic and an active commenters you will likely have people in your field reach out to you with comments and ideas. An ideal blog should be sticked to what you know; think about what questions you get asked most often about what you do then write down your thoughts. The honest and truly things come from heart always the most attractive to people.

3. ‘’Play’’ with Twitter Keyword Searches

 Twitter can be either a place with great source of information or the noisiest places on the web. The great way to find people, filter tweet and join a conversation is to search for keywords related to the topics in which you are interested. It sounds simple but it may require some trial and error to see which keywords get the results you want. For example, you may consider between ‘’tech life’’ or ‘’digital marketing’’. Play around with different words and joint a conversation when you find something interest. Response to people’s tweet and give your feedback or comments, whether you agree or disagree with some discussion.

4. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups are great forum for career-related discussions for sharing articles, asking questions and starting online conversation with each other. Do not just do a quick search group on LinkedIn and get into any group you might think it is your field. Try to take a look around at the discussions and members at open group (or invite-only)  to get a feel of the content and makeup of the group to see whether it is a good fit for your goals and what you interest.

5. Make sure you know who are ‘’stalking’’ your profile.

Although you have not upgrade your LinkedIn account, once your settings allow others to see who you are when you look at their profiles you also should do the same, go and find out who is looking at yours. Scan this once a week and take a glance at who has viewed your profile. When you think it may be an appropriate time, connect with these people; thinking about the reason they might have taken time to look at your profile. Are they in your field or community? Have they had same interest? Or even a recruiter? Take your own time to engage in conversation not only show you are paying attention and care about these people but also showing that you are open to build up new professional relationships. 


Twitter network visualizer step by step tutorial | By Kap Lab

Thursday 11 October 2012

Is Your Account SECURE Enough?

I used to post about how to enhance LinkedIn, Pinterest or Facebook profile but almost forgot showing you guys how to protect your social media from hackers. It is important to treat your accounts with a heavy dose of suspiciousness and plenty of common sense.

Here are three different kinds of hacks, perpetrated across three different social networks that will help users get away from trap. Even though, some things may out of control, it is imperative that you block down the trapdoors and take every security to have a safe and complete Internet life.

1. Facebook – Be aware of ‘’SPY’’

On August 2, approximately nine teams were reported with hacked pages, and news reports had jumped on the embarrassing carnage. the Facebook Page of the New York Yankees posted ''breaking news'' that all-star Derek Jeter would be absent the rest of the season due to sex relocation surgery. Soon, the accounts of other MLB teams began to track news, including a post from the San Diego Padres page saying that handicap attendance at Petco Park was “STRONGLY DEPRESSED” and another from the Miami Marlins announcing there would be a giveaway at the park that evening. So who are the hackers? While reports initially presumed that the tricks were carried out by a group of hackers, the MLB reported that the work was done by a ‘’rogue administrator’’.

Some further investigation has been made into the situation, concluded that the MLB gave many employees access to the company’s social media accounts. In brief, the exploitation of the MLB shows that many hacks can occur by a known person who has gathered access or administrative duties.
2. LinkedIn – Is your password secure enough?

On June 6, word spread that LinkedIn was hacked, about 6 million passwords were leaked, and apparently some were noted to be ‘’unhashed’’ – hacker term for an easily breakable encrypted password. In another words, users with easily breakable passwords were at risk of not only further hacking and identify thief but also including other accounts. So who are hackers? A Russian forum user took credit for LinkedIn hack. No offend but Russian hackers are notorious throughout the industry. Although he leaked passwords, evidence hinted that he also had the accompanying usernames as well.

LinkedIn first apologized, and then disable the usernames who have been hacked, but within 48 hours, more than 150,000 passwords had already been cracked (Mashable, 2012). However, other than just an announcement encouraging other users to change their credentials on the website, little has been publicly reported about social media network’s steps to prevent the hacks in future. Currently, it is best practiced to avoid using the most popular hacking password but there is no telling how it could lead to future risks.

3. Pinterest -  Daisy chain

On September 11, users began complaining about hacked accounts-pins seemed to appear themselves and new boards cropping out of nowhere. But the most damaging piece is that hackers begin using the connections between Pinterest and other social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to redirect spammy links through Pinterest. As a result, Pinterest users became swang through to these websites with no way to stop it. So who are hackers? There has been no one person or group taking responsible for the hacks, although pinners have noted that they have been getting notices of log-ins from Guyana, Iran and South Africa (Mashable, 2012).

While many complaints have been lodged about the security of Pinterest, the spokesperson told The Daily Dot that the hack, ‘’implies that our corporate systems, databases or infrastructure has been compromised, which is not in the case’’. As a result, no losses are being recorded and no one knows just how many users have been affected.

If you've experienced you account being hacked or some you may know, please share it in comments or dicuss more about it with me.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Facebook for Job seekers

I know it may be a surprise for some people who always treat Facebook as a place to make friends, online chat or just share some personal information with others. The fact is that Job Seekers actually hunting for work from Facebook. Wow Wow Wow !!!

Surely that Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are three place appear to be taking over the employment search at a rapid clip.

Linked was used by 38% of job seekers, up to 30% and Twitter custom in the hunt rose from 26% to 34% (Mashable, 2012). Both saw major jumps in overall usage among the workplace. Meanwhile, 52% of job seekers use Facebook to help find work, conducted by recruiting tech firm Jobvite and the usage held steady.
There is abundantly of consolation for LinkedIn, the fact is that it just framed out Facebook as the place to twist your resume. A quarter of job seekers added professional information to their Facebook profile in the last year, 2011 but only 26% did the same in their LinkedIn profile. On in five respondents stated that they have been sent a lead on a new job via Facebook, and the social media focus seemed to be working for some. One in six recipients of new job created one of the networks for the lead.
However, information provide above does not mean that surely 100% job seekers will find their dream job because of lacking information and the misleading from information in the internet.  Personally, I still want to encourage people to create professional information on their Facebook account and looking forward for relevant jobs. The reason is that a stand out and experienced through photos album will even tell employers your lifestyle and skills better than a resume.

Have you ever looked for work on social media before? Are you agree or disagree with me on this topic?

Have your voice and share your experiences on comments !!!
P/S: Here is a video showing ''why LinkedIn is a must to find a job'' - You can use it as another reference

Monday 24 September 2012

How to get MORE blog comments for your blog

The reason that I post this on my blog just simply want to share with most of my friends in class MKF3881 – Electronic marketing and even give myself reminders after blogging each post. Surely it is not an easy task, it is estimated that 90% of people browse blogs without commenting.
So why do you need many comments on your blog. Is it just simple because you want to be known, to be famous? It may be true but rather than that having lots of blog comments gives plenty of benefits. It enables you to connect with your readers and build relationships with them, which in turn means they are more likely to know, like and then purchase your products/services. Such interaction also provides you with the reassurance and motivation to continue blogging.  
Once readers think of your blog as valuable and useful they will certainly give valuable comments on your blog. So here are some tips that may encourage readers to leave comments to your post:
  • Write good quality blogs so that your readers want to give comments so they can engage further with you. Remember wrong spelling will be considered as worse than drunk.  
  •  Do not afraid of writing controversial topics which may stimulate debate and encourage people to give voice for their own ideas. But make sure that you do not offend others
  • Invite your readers to comment. If they are not initiative in comment at first then you can give an invitation that inspires readers to comment on your post. For instance, ask for their tips, their preferences, their opinions, their advice, or their feedback. You might like to try the following: “what do you think about…..”, “Do you think……is a good idea?”, “What’s your best tip for…?”, “What’s your biggest challenge with….?”. Depend on the topics and how you expect to receive from readers you may then try to think of questions for them to take action.
  • You may an expert but do not ‘’show it off’’. That means do not write everything in your post, some gaps there may then allow readers to contribute in comment box
  • Try to take your time to interaction with those who left comment. This will show you value your comment and make them feel appreciate. However, ensure that you give a personal and genuine reply not the generic messages.  
  •  Do not just wait for others to visit and comment on your site. You should do it too. Comment on other blogs will prompt them to visit your site and comment on your blog as well. This may help utilise your networks and even support each other’s blogs by commenting. 
  • You can share your blog even through your own facebook page or twitted about new topic that you just posted into blog in order to promote your blog and make people aware of new posts.
  • Use the CommentLuv plugin – This provides incentives for readers to leave comments on your blog. They can link their name, website, Twitter ID, and their latest blog to the bottom of their comment.
So here are some small tips that I have been collected and learn from other bloggers as well. I am will be more than happy and appreciate if you can give me another tips and feel free to say whether you think of some tips are really useful or not.

Saturday 8 September 2012

LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile (Part 2)

To be continued with my previous post ''LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile?'' I will discuss more about how an impressed LinkedIn profile can also be used to boost up your business connections, sales activity and personal marketing.

1.      Connections

Some may think the only important of connections is to get as many as possible, but don’t forget that the quality of your connections is also as important as that. Sending an invitation message with more personal touch will be more respectful and meaningful with the receiver rather than just using standard default that LinkedIn provides. Besides, this also showing that you are not just randomly adding people to improve your number of contacts. Also, put yourself in the situation of the person you are sending an invitation to. It is necessary for you to think of advantage in it for both parties; you can introduce connections already within your networks or theirs, whether it has business opportunities for both, keeping them up-to-date with your personal business activity and more. It is always useful when asking someone to connect to you in order to add valuable information to your introduction because this will give you instant credibility and creates an optimistic impress.

2.      Marketing

Using traditional marketing while costly can be an ineffective. However, if you are using the ‘’What are you working on’’ tab in LinkedIn to let your connections know about what is occurring in your business, you will actually have just sent a free commercial to those network. This is not only saving up your money but also your time when it only requires about 30 seconds to be done. Also, this can be kept doing weekly or monthly depending on your business.

3.      Image

It is critical to create a first impression before you meet someone for an interview or meeting without entering the room. LinkedIn allows you to create that positive impression when they view your profile. I have posted about how to create your LinkedIn profile and 7 TOP TIPS for it, you can refer back for more information.

4.      Sales

While LinkedIn may not return the pot of gold you hope immediately, like anything else in life you get out of what you put into it. There are ways for you to drive revenue such as finding valuable resources for your business, finding a new career opportunity through a posted job, locating a potential customer via an introduction through a connection. Generally, providing valuable information to your connections will give you the image of a subject matter expert, which then results in the eventual sale of your product or service.

5.      Enhancing yourself

Do not forget that one of the coolest things on LinkedIn is creating the ability, through your profile, to get found for what you do. As an example, you may offer training on the topic of a concept called ‘’Adventure Therapy’’. That means when someone is searching on the key words of adventure or adventure therapy in your network and your profile will be one of the first to appear. This does not say that you will appear first on the entire LinkedIn network, however, it bring you the opportunity to get found from those in your network. As a result, you are better think of LinkedIn as your personal website that gets optimized as soon as you make changes.

Thursday 6 September 2012

LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile? (Part 1)

‘’LinkedIn is the only platform that is able to connect the world’s professionals’’ said by Ariel Eckstein, Managing Director of LinkedIn Europe.
LinkedIn allows professionals to manage their identities, irrespective of their level in an organization or the size of a company. Basically it give you opportunity to present yours and your company’s skills, showcase activities, market objectives, reach out to potential employers and potential new clients. However, are you sure you LinkedIn your skill in a massive worldwide marketplace and position yourself the way you want to be seen or you are being Locked Out?

Here are the TOP TIPS when tailoring your LinkedIn profile:
1.  COMPLETE your profile

Your profile is your chance to tell the world: who you are, what make you different and what you are passionate about and what you have contributed to make an impact. There is no auto fill to be had here; you have to spend time to complete your profile in full. All education, experience, capabilities, skill and expertise section, companies, clients, achievements, voluntary work, along with all educational qualifications should be included. Anything thing that support for your profile ‘’positioning’’ such as articles you have written, white papers, speaking engagements and awards should be put it with no hesitation.
It is critical to complete your career history with NO GAPS because the reader may draw a conclusion from such omissions to against you. Your work is to ensure that reader will be able to see your career path with ease and understand where you are now and how you attained to it. Remember that your LinkedIn profile is the equivalent of an online CV so does not just post detail of your current job.

2. EYE-CATCHING headline
You may laugh at me at the moment but the second right after this if you listen to my advice it will totally change the way people see your business.
The space immediately after your name (with only 120 characters), use it concisely and consider it the briefest bio on yourself that you are ever likely to write. Tell you that 120 characters are not easy to write, all you need are to express who you are in an engaging way that induces the reader to want to discover more about you.

3. Show your bloody PHOTOGRAPHY!
Without photography you are simply text! Put yourself in a position of reader, whether you feel comfortable enough to talk to them and whether it is easy or hard to forget that person. Also no photo show who you are does beg a question that what you are hiding for?
However do you really think it just a bloody photo? The answer is NO. Use a professional photography, ideally head and shoulders: suit, smart looking as you would to work. The reason for doing all this staff is because LinkedIn is professional network, posting a photo of yourself means you will greater the chance to be recognized at network events, seminars, conferences and workshops if you make sure have your photograph on your profile. Some may met you before at such events but may not be able to recall your name then a photo will ensure that they remember you irrespective of whether they remember your name.

Selectively connect with your professional network because it is the best way for you to get recommendation from LinkedIn those contacts you may know or which Groups are relevant for you to join in.
There will be either person you wish to connect with and person would like to join your network. If you want to get a chance to know more or connect with someone you are discussing an industry issues with but unknown to you then send them an invitation with personal note as why. On the other situation, if you received an invitation you will need to ask yourself whether you know them and you would prefer to connect with this person on professional matters or face-to-face. Sometimes, this person may ask you to facilitate an introduction for them at some point then so you should better be prepared for that.

LinkedIn has massive of groups to consider joining so pick the ones that you believe will ensure you are visible to your target audiences. Choose  which groups you wish to join strategically and be actively participating within these groups will help you with how you wish to be positioned in the minds of other members. If you are looking for learning information from LinkedIn then you may need to consider professional groups aligned with your qualifications along with graduates groups applicable to you and groups within which your experience lies and which you can demonstrate your expertise in.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

5 Reasons why Google+ should not be ignored

Since what I read from most of the comment that I had for my older posts, most people are familiar with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube but not really aware of the benefits of other social network tools such as Google +. Here is the statistic shown how each social network have been noticed and used:

If your company is still be a loyalty of Facebook and Twitter while ignoring Google+, I hope this post will make you change and light up your mind
Former Apple evangelist, Guy Kawasaki lays out five basic arguments as to why Google+ is everlasting and therefore important to you.
1. Google’s track record: While competitors like Yahoo (search) and Hotmail (email) thought things were good enough, Google has always delivered a better mousetrap. Applying that attitude to social media, G+ seems to not yet stop at that.
2. Google is serious: During an interview with Wired magazine (September, 2011), Bradley Horowitz, Google’s VP of Google+ Products stated, “Google+ is Google itself. We’re extending it across all we do—search, ads, Chrome, Android, Maps, YouTube—so that each of those services contributes to our understanding of who you are.” That means Google brings almost all the apps in one shot that may require people to use different tools at the same time if they use Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. For Google there’s no turning back, it’s only forward.
3. Google has countless talent and resources: This is self-explanatory. It’s not likely a startup is going to trial on Facebook or Twitter, and Google is no startup. They’ve got the intellects and they’ve got the liabilities to back it up.
4. Google owns the “River:” Kawasaki is referring the river to the Internet stream known as SERACH. To call it a stream is an understatement. There is no doubt to say that Google practically is SEARCH and that is, where the ‘’River’’ leads people will follow.
5. Google owns the playing field: As Kawasaki points out, G+ is combined into search processes; Samsung (and soon Motorola) products come pre-loaded with Google+, beside, Gmail users automatically get a G+ account and it’s a part of the Google browser. That’s way more than a head start.
After reading these 5 ‘’facts’’ about Google+, you may change behavior and the way you look at its impact to your current and potential clients and buyers. The consequence to your company’s SEO strategy and how people with find you alone is huge. For now what your company should realize is that Google+ needs to be at the forefront of your social media strategy right up there with Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.