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Thursday 6 September 2012

LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile? (Part 1)

‘’LinkedIn is the only platform that is able to connect the world’s professionals’’ said by Ariel Eckstein, Managing Director of LinkedIn Europe.
LinkedIn allows professionals to manage their identities, irrespective of their level in an organization or the size of a company. Basically it give you opportunity to present yours and your company’s skills, showcase activities, market objectives, reach out to potential employers and potential new clients. However, are you sure you LinkedIn your skill in a massive worldwide marketplace and position yourself the way you want to be seen or you are being Locked Out?

Here are the TOP TIPS when tailoring your LinkedIn profile:
1.  COMPLETE your profile

Your profile is your chance to tell the world: who you are, what make you different and what you are passionate about and what you have contributed to make an impact. There is no auto fill to be had here; you have to spend time to complete your profile in full. All education, experience, capabilities, skill and expertise section, companies, clients, achievements, voluntary work, along with all educational qualifications should be included. Anything thing that support for your profile ‘’positioning’’ such as articles you have written, white papers, speaking engagements and awards should be put it with no hesitation.
It is critical to complete your career history with NO GAPS because the reader may draw a conclusion from such omissions to against you. Your work is to ensure that reader will be able to see your career path with ease and understand where you are now and how you attained to it. Remember that your LinkedIn profile is the equivalent of an online CV so does not just post detail of your current job.

2. EYE-CATCHING headline
You may laugh at me at the moment but the second right after this if you listen to my advice it will totally change the way people see your business.
The space immediately after your name (with only 120 characters), use it concisely and consider it the briefest bio on yourself that you are ever likely to write. Tell you that 120 characters are not easy to write, all you need are to express who you are in an engaging way that induces the reader to want to discover more about you.

3. Show your bloody PHOTOGRAPHY!
Without photography you are simply text! Put yourself in a position of reader, whether you feel comfortable enough to talk to them and whether it is easy or hard to forget that person. Also no photo show who you are does beg a question that what you are hiding for?
However do you really think it just a bloody photo? The answer is NO. Use a professional photography, ideally head and shoulders: suit, smart looking as you would to work. The reason for doing all this staff is because LinkedIn is professional network, posting a photo of yourself means you will greater the chance to be recognized at network events, seminars, conferences and workshops if you make sure have your photograph on your profile. Some may met you before at such events but may not be able to recall your name then a photo will ensure that they remember you irrespective of whether they remember your name.

Selectively connect with your professional network because it is the best way for you to get recommendation from LinkedIn those contacts you may know or which Groups are relevant for you to join in.
There will be either person you wish to connect with and person would like to join your network. If you want to get a chance to know more or connect with someone you are discussing an industry issues with but unknown to you then send them an invitation with personal note as why. On the other situation, if you received an invitation you will need to ask yourself whether you know them and you would prefer to connect with this person on professional matters or face-to-face. Sometimes, this person may ask you to facilitate an introduction for them at some point then so you should better be prepared for that.

LinkedIn has massive of groups to consider joining so pick the ones that you believe will ensure you are visible to your target audiences. Choose  which groups you wish to join strategically and be actively participating within these groups will help you with how you wish to be positioned in the minds of other members. If you are looking for learning information from LinkedIn then you may need to consider professional groups aligned with your qualifications along with graduates groups applicable to you and groups within which your experience lies and which you can demonstrate your expertise in.


  1. I've created a LinkedIn profile for business, but some people keep adding me but doesnt seem to relevant with my business area.
    I tried to ignore them but then my friends said it's quite impolite to do so. Do u know which ways should I do to get list of friends adding me but relevant to who I'm looking for

    1. I hope my post will help u somehow, Nguyen !
      And the only way to make relevant people to add u as friend is that setting up relevant infor in your profile infor. So I believe that if you make it clearly people will know which field u are in and wondering u as friends :D

  2. So agree with you about ''Eye-catching headline'' and ''complete profile'' which will boost up attention to your LinkedIn.
    I've been so out of LinkedIn but then when I try to change the way I design my post on LinkedIn and seek more friends with a complete profile.
    Now i'm more than happy and being discussed my post with friends everywhere relevant with my own business
    Thanks to LinkedIn :D

    1. Glad to hear that finally u can find a way to get back in LinkedIn and comfortable in using it.
      Wish u can build up more of your professional relationship through LinkedIn, Utan!
