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Monday 24 September 2012

How to get MORE blog comments for your blog

The reason that I post this on my blog just simply want to share with most of my friends in class MKF3881 – Electronic marketing and even give myself reminders after blogging each post. Surely it is not an easy task, it is estimated that 90% of people browse blogs without commenting.
So why do you need many comments on your blog. Is it just simple because you want to be known, to be famous? It may be true but rather than that having lots of blog comments gives plenty of benefits. It enables you to connect with your readers and build relationships with them, which in turn means they are more likely to know, like and then purchase your products/services. Such interaction also provides you with the reassurance and motivation to continue blogging.  
Once readers think of your blog as valuable and useful they will certainly give valuable comments on your blog. So here are some tips that may encourage readers to leave comments to your post:
  • Write good quality blogs so that your readers want to give comments so they can engage further with you. Remember wrong spelling will be considered as worse than drunk.  
  •  Do not afraid of writing controversial topics which may stimulate debate and encourage people to give voice for their own ideas. But make sure that you do not offend others
  • Invite your readers to comment. If they are not initiative in comment at first then you can give an invitation that inspires readers to comment on your post. For instance, ask for their tips, their preferences, their opinions, their advice, or their feedback. You might like to try the following: “what do you think about…..”, “Do you think……is a good idea?”, “What’s your best tip for…?”, “What’s your biggest challenge with….?”. Depend on the topics and how you expect to receive from readers you may then try to think of questions for them to take action.
  • You may an expert but do not ‘’show it off’’. That means do not write everything in your post, some gaps there may then allow readers to contribute in comment box
  • Try to take your time to interaction with those who left comment. This will show you value your comment and make them feel appreciate. However, ensure that you give a personal and genuine reply not the generic messages.  
  •  Do not just wait for others to visit and comment on your site. You should do it too. Comment on other blogs will prompt them to visit your site and comment on your blog as well. This may help utilise your networks and even support each other’s blogs by commenting. 
  • You can share your blog even through your own facebook page or twitted about new topic that you just posted into blog in order to promote your blog and make people aware of new posts.
  • Use the CommentLuv plugin – This provides incentives for readers to leave comments on your blog. They can link their name, website, Twitter ID, and their latest blog to the bottom of their comment.
So here are some small tips that I have been collected and learn from other bloggers as well. I am will be more than happy and appreciate if you can give me another tips and feel free to say whether you think of some tips are really useful or not.


  1. Some great points there Linda!
    I've always wondered how blogs could be promoted better and encourage more comments. I've been looking after the blog of a company I'm interning at and it could do with some comments. I will certainly be looking into enabling comments from customers or other bloggers!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Ash!
      Glad to see that my post can help u somehow.
      Wish u all the best with the business and looking forward to see how u boost up ur blog comments :)

  2. Such a good one!!
    Really informative and helpful, Linda :)
    I always find so hard to get more people interact with my blogging and get their involvement.
    I guess I know how to do it now. Thx for the shot !! :D

    1. Thanks Nguyen,
      I hope from now on u can be more clear in finding the way to get more people comment on your blog :D

  3. Have been learned a lot from there, Linda!
    I've been wondered how can I get people interact with me through comment on blog. Think I can use these informative advice to boost up my comment from other bloggers !
