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Wednesday 22 August 2012

5 Reasons why Google+ should not be ignored

Since what I read from most of the comment that I had for my older posts, most people are familiar with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube but not really aware of the benefits of other social network tools such as Google +. Here is the statistic shown how each social network have been noticed and used:

If your company is still be a loyalty of Facebook and Twitter while ignoring Google+, I hope this post will make you change and light up your mind
Former Apple evangelist, Guy Kawasaki lays out five basic arguments as to why Google+ is everlasting and therefore important to you.
1. Google’s track record: While competitors like Yahoo (search) and Hotmail (email) thought things were good enough, Google has always delivered a better mousetrap. Applying that attitude to social media, G+ seems to not yet stop at that.
2. Google is serious: During an interview with Wired magazine (September, 2011), Bradley Horowitz, Google’s VP of Google+ Products stated, “Google+ is Google itself. We’re extending it across all we do—search, ads, Chrome, Android, Maps, YouTube—so that each of those services contributes to our understanding of who you are.” That means Google brings almost all the apps in one shot that may require people to use different tools at the same time if they use Facebook, Twitter or Youtube. For Google there’s no turning back, it’s only forward.
3. Google has countless talent and resources: This is self-explanatory. It’s not likely a startup is going to trial on Facebook or Twitter, and Google is no startup. They’ve got the intellects and they’ve got the liabilities to back it up.
4. Google owns the “River:” Kawasaki is referring the river to the Internet stream known as SERACH. To call it a stream is an understatement. There is no doubt to say that Google practically is SEARCH and that is, where the ‘’River’’ leads people will follow.
5. Google owns the playing field: As Kawasaki points out, G+ is combined into search processes; Samsung (and soon Motorola) products come pre-loaded with Google+, beside, Gmail users automatically get a G+ account and it’s a part of the Google browser. That’s way more than a head start.
After reading these 5 ‘’facts’’ about Google+, you may change behavior and the way you look at its impact to your current and potential clients and buyers. The consequence to your company’s SEO strategy and how people with find you alone is huge. For now what your company should realize is that Google+ needs to be at the forefront of your social media strategy right up there with Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.


  1. I've always been a believer in the long-term success of G+, but it's incredibly slow to gain traction. If Facebook just far too ingrained in our everyday life to allow G+ the opportunity to grow? Maybe G+ is just waiting for the mass exodus from Facebook next time they do something very wrong to upset their users? It's fascinating to watch.

    1. Surely it's not easy for G+ to become everyday life to people as Facebook does. However, people are getting more familiar with G+ now. And I do agree with you that it's quite interesting to watch how people switch from facebook to G+ in future. Hopefully Facebook will not do something so wrong to upset their users because personally feel that Facebook are getting suck by its slowly signal or its magnetic lag every time I want to update my posts.

  2. I always try to persuade my friends to create GG+ account but some actually ignore my advice and tell me that Fb or Twitter account should be good enough.
    Might take your post as a reference to my recommendation. Thanks Linda :D

  3. Dont know that GG+ is such a powerful tool!!
    Think myself should get a GG+ account after reading your post :D
