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Thursday 2 August 2012

Digital Technologies in the 21 century

Digital technologies have been embraced by the public and have become the new social networking tools. This has forced marketers and advertisers to rethink their strategies in order to make the best use of this trend by the use of creatives and the use of social networks to create User Generated Content. It has been researched by A Universal McCann that only 14 percent of customers trust advertising whereas 78 percent trust recommendation from other consumers. As a result, marketers nowadays are tapping into UGC such as blog comment, product and video review (which provide an up to date features for upcoming products), creative competitions, galleries and other web base content. This means Advertising is free however if company want to advertise this way will need to hire employers with excellent web writing skills for blogs, multimedia skill for RSS and video streaming and web tools expertise.
This blog however basically will discuss about how social network should be used in Marketing and how it will help manager advertise more effectively with the use of E-Marketing.

Here is a video talk about the digital technologies in present and how it will transform positively to the way we live in future:


  1. Nice post. User generated content, reviews and WOM, is definitely where everything is going... The question is, what will happen to the marketing/advertising industry? Do you think their will be a need for ad agencies in a few years time, especially if peer to peer recommendations are the only thing that sells products/services?

    1. Agree with you, Sam!!
      I think your considering is similar with most of marketing/advertising industry. Personally, I think there is still a need for advertising industry or even more to actually help company control its marketing in the right direction.
      Lets say we are already have many of social network like FB, Twitter,Pinterest, etc. however when is the right time to make a post or how many post per hour is enough for advertising company new products are still questions.
      Therefore, Ad agencies will be the one who give advetises for company in order to make an effective uses of social network.

  2. @Sam Doyle: Agree with you, Sam!!
    I think your considering is similar with most of marketing/advertising industry. Personally, I think there is still a need for advertising industry or even more to actually help company control its marketing in the right direction.
    Lets say we are already have many of social network like FB, Twitter,Pinterest, etc. however when is the right time to make a post or how many post per hour is enough for advertising company new products are still questions.
    Therefore, Ad agencies will be the one who give advetises for company in order to make an effective uses of social network.

  3. Cant ignore changing and developing of technologies in the 21st century. So effective and efficient especially for marketers in PR or advertising to launch new products.
    Just a bit afraid of lacking privacy infor when marketers can now so easily to track their customers by sign in with social network tools.
