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Sunday 14 October 2012

How to manage your Network better on Facebook & Twitter

1. Find the Authors of the Content You Read

 It is important to know who the author of your blogs or websites is or who social influencers in your area of expertise are. Also, checks out the authors who contribute to online publications usually have a social incidence. Try to follow them on Facebook or Twitter and take the time to let them know what you think. Don’t only wait for them to comment on your posts, comment on their blogs and articles as well, then take it a step further and tweet some feedback.  Give some added insights on the topic and goes along with the articles or blogs.

2. Become an Author Yourself

 Do not just wait until you have something to share or discuss on your social networks, socialize by writing on the topic in your field, either on your own blog or for industry publications. By keep appear in almost topic and an active commenters you will likely have people in your field reach out to you with comments and ideas. An ideal blog should be sticked to what you know; think about what questions you get asked most often about what you do then write down your thoughts. The honest and truly things come from heart always the most attractive to people.

3. ‘’Play’’ with Twitter Keyword Searches

 Twitter can be either a place with great source of information or the noisiest places on the web. The great way to find people, filter tweet and join a conversation is to search for keywords related to the topics in which you are interested. It sounds simple but it may require some trial and error to see which keywords get the results you want. For example, you may consider between ‘’tech life’’ or ‘’digital marketing’’. Play around with different words and joint a conversation when you find something interest. Response to people’s tweet and give your feedback or comments, whether you agree or disagree with some discussion.

4. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups are great forum for career-related discussions for sharing articles, asking questions and starting online conversation with each other. Do not just do a quick search group on LinkedIn and get into any group you might think it is your field. Try to take a look around at the discussions and members at open group (or invite-only)  to get a feel of the content and makeup of the group to see whether it is a good fit for your goals and what you interest.

5. Make sure you know who are ‘’stalking’’ your profile.

Although you have not upgrade your LinkedIn account, once your settings allow others to see who you are when you look at their profiles you also should do the same, go and find out who is looking at yours. Scan this once a week and take a glance at who has viewed your profile. When you think it may be an appropriate time, connect with these people; thinking about the reason they might have taken time to look at your profile. Are they in your field or community? Have they had same interest? Or even a recruiter? Take your own time to engage in conversation not only show you are paying attention and care about these people but also showing that you are open to build up new professional relationships. 


Twitter network visualizer step by step tutorial | By Kap Lab

1 comment:

  1. Surely will take advices from u, Linda!
    I used to think that knowing who usually visit my sites is more than enough but forget that I may need to interact more with them by start off conversation first.
    And yeah I always ''play'' with the keyword searches and I bring up to me more than interesting results that I expected.
