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Thursday 11 October 2012

Is Your Account SECURE Enough?

I used to post about how to enhance LinkedIn, Pinterest or Facebook profile but almost forgot showing you guys how to protect your social media from hackers. It is important to treat your accounts with a heavy dose of suspiciousness and plenty of common sense.

Here are three different kinds of hacks, perpetrated across three different social networks that will help users get away from trap. Even though, some things may out of control, it is imperative that you block down the trapdoors and take every security to have a safe and complete Internet life.

1. Facebook – Be aware of ‘’SPY’’

On August 2, approximately nine teams were reported with hacked pages, and news reports had jumped on the embarrassing carnage. the Facebook Page of the New York Yankees posted ''breaking news'' that all-star Derek Jeter would be absent the rest of the season due to sex relocation surgery. Soon, the accounts of other MLB teams began to track news, including a post from the San Diego Padres page saying that handicap attendance at Petco Park was “STRONGLY DEPRESSED” and another from the Miami Marlins announcing there would be a giveaway at the park that evening. So who are the hackers? While reports initially presumed that the tricks were carried out by a group of hackers, the MLB reported that the work was done by a ‘’rogue administrator’’.

Some further investigation has been made into the situation, concluded that the MLB gave many employees access to the company’s social media accounts. In brief, the exploitation of the MLB shows that many hacks can occur by a known person who has gathered access or administrative duties.
2. LinkedIn – Is your password secure enough?

On June 6, word spread that LinkedIn was hacked, about 6 million passwords were leaked, and apparently some were noted to be ‘’unhashed’’ – hacker term for an easily breakable encrypted password. In another words, users with easily breakable passwords were at risk of not only further hacking and identify thief but also including other accounts. So who are hackers? A Russian forum user took credit for LinkedIn hack. No offend but Russian hackers are notorious throughout the industry. Although he leaked passwords, evidence hinted that he also had the accompanying usernames as well.

LinkedIn first apologized, and then disable the usernames who have been hacked, but within 48 hours, more than 150,000 passwords had already been cracked (Mashable, 2012). However, other than just an announcement encouraging other users to change their credentials on the website, little has been publicly reported about social media network’s steps to prevent the hacks in future. Currently, it is best practiced to avoid using the most popular hacking password but there is no telling how it could lead to future risks.

3. Pinterest -  Daisy chain

On September 11, users began complaining about hacked accounts-pins seemed to appear themselves and new boards cropping out of nowhere. But the most damaging piece is that hackers begin using the connections between Pinterest and other social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to redirect spammy links through Pinterest. As a result, Pinterest users became swang through to these websites with no way to stop it. So who are hackers? There has been no one person or group taking responsible for the hacks, although pinners have noted that they have been getting notices of log-ins from Guyana, Iran and South Africa (Mashable, 2012).

While many complaints have been lodged about the security of Pinterest, the spokesperson told The Daily Dot that the hack, ‘’implies that our corporate systems, databases or infrastructure has been compromised, which is not in the case’’. As a result, no losses are being recorded and no one knows just how many users have been affected.

If you've experienced you account being hacked or some you may know, please share it in comments or dicuss more about it with me.


  1. Never really care about whether my account is secure enough or not, this post remind me need to seriously watch out my account.

    1. Hoep my post will open up your mind, Tuan :)
      And please make sure that u set up a strong password for your social media accounts
