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Saturday 8 September 2012

LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile (Part 2)

To be continued with my previous post ''LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile?'' I will discuss more about how an impressed LinkedIn profile can also be used to boost up your business connections, sales activity and personal marketing.

1.      Connections

Some may think the only important of connections is to get as many as possible, but don’t forget that the quality of your connections is also as important as that. Sending an invitation message with more personal touch will be more respectful and meaningful with the receiver rather than just using standard default that LinkedIn provides. Besides, this also showing that you are not just randomly adding people to improve your number of contacts. Also, put yourself in the situation of the person you are sending an invitation to. It is necessary for you to think of advantage in it for both parties; you can introduce connections already within your networks or theirs, whether it has business opportunities for both, keeping them up-to-date with your personal business activity and more. It is always useful when asking someone to connect to you in order to add valuable information to your introduction because this will give you instant credibility and creates an optimistic impress.

2.      Marketing

Using traditional marketing while costly can be an ineffective. However, if you are using the ‘’What are you working on’’ tab in LinkedIn to let your connections know about what is occurring in your business, you will actually have just sent a free commercial to those network. This is not only saving up your money but also your time when it only requires about 30 seconds to be done. Also, this can be kept doing weekly or monthly depending on your business.

3.      Image

It is critical to create a first impression before you meet someone for an interview or meeting without entering the room. LinkedIn allows you to create that positive impression when they view your profile. I have posted about how to create your LinkedIn profile and 7 TOP TIPS for it, you can refer back for more information.

4.      Sales

While LinkedIn may not return the pot of gold you hope immediately, like anything else in life you get out of what you put into it. There are ways for you to drive revenue such as finding valuable resources for your business, finding a new career opportunity through a posted job, locating a potential customer via an introduction through a connection. Generally, providing valuable information to your connections will give you the image of a subject matter expert, which then results in the eventual sale of your product or service.

5.      Enhancing yourself

Do not forget that one of the coolest things on LinkedIn is creating the ability, through your profile, to get found for what you do. As an example, you may offer training on the topic of a concept called ‘’Adventure Therapy’’. That means when someone is searching on the key words of adventure or adventure therapy in your network and your profile will be one of the first to appear. This does not say that you will appear first on the entire LinkedIn network, however, it bring you the opportunity to get found from those in your network. As a result, you are better think of LinkedIn as your personal website that gets optimized as soon as you make changes.


  1. More than agree with you about 5 factors to enhance LinkedIn profile.
    Keep the good job, LINDA !!!

  2. I've heard that job seekers are now actually look up from LinkedIn, Fb or Twitter to hire employees. So persoanlly, with a complte and stand out profile will may work things out easier than a CV.
    Good points, Linda!

  3. Really enjoy when reading both part 1 and part 2 of your post ''LinkedIn or Out? What is the best way to tailor your LinkedIn profile''
    Hopefully after applying these strategy to my LinkedIn profile I will get relvant information and friends request
    Thanks for posting this topic, Linda !

  4. I read two parts of this topic and it gave me heaps of infor, Linda!
    I did not care much of the profile pic but seems like I was wrong for doing so. I forgot that I'm also type of person kinda judge people from their profile pics and infor.
    And more than agree with u that LinkedIn is one of the best place to start professional relationship !
