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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Facebook for Job seekers

I know it may be a surprise for some people who always treat Facebook as a place to make friends, online chat or just share some personal information with others. The fact is that Job Seekers actually hunting for work from Facebook. Wow Wow Wow !!!

Surely that Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are three place appear to be taking over the employment search at a rapid clip.

Linked was used by 38% of job seekers, up to 30% and Twitter custom in the hunt rose from 26% to 34% (Mashable, 2012). Both saw major jumps in overall usage among the workplace. Meanwhile, 52% of job seekers use Facebook to help find work, conducted by recruiting tech firm Jobvite and the usage held steady.
There is abundantly of consolation for LinkedIn, the fact is that it just framed out Facebook as the place to twist your resume. A quarter of job seekers added professional information to their Facebook profile in the last year, 2011 but only 26% did the same in their LinkedIn profile. On in five respondents stated that they have been sent a lead on a new job via Facebook, and the social media focus seemed to be working for some. One in six recipients of new job created one of the networks for the lead.
However, information provide above does not mean that surely 100% job seekers will find their dream job because of lacking information and the misleading from information in the internet.  Personally, I still want to encourage people to create professional information on their Facebook account and looking forward for relevant jobs. The reason is that a stand out and experienced through photos album will even tell employers your lifestyle and skills better than a resume.

Have you ever looked for work on social media before? Are you agree or disagree with me on this topic?

Have your voice and share your experiences on comments !!!
P/S: Here is a video showing ''why LinkedIn is a must to find a job'' - You can use it as another reference


  1. Dont know that Facebook such a huge place for job seekers. Just realise that I have not yet used max benefits of FB :D
    Thanks for this helpful post, Linda. However, a bit argue with u that we not always can find dream jobs through social media because of lacking infor or even misleading.

  2. Good day to you, Linda.

    it is well known that Linked In is used mostly for jobs application. After reading your post (provided statistic about job searching on Facebook, which i find pretty helpful) and the class given by two guest lecturers in w11 Electronic marketing last week, undoubtedly demonstrate the enormous growing potential and importance of adding employment details and information on FB!

    (im shu, same tutorial as you in IMC last sem, would appreciate if you could comment on my blog please thank you!!! have a good day!)
